Friday, January 18, 2008

Wet Pixels, Finally!

A friend noted that my blog lacks the Scuba Diva element. I have posted pictures about surfing, my lifeless phone, my wet dream inducing hunk of the moment, Kylie Minogue and even She-ra's noble steed yet I have not showcased any wet pixels.

Due to insistent public demand (this consist of 2 0r 3 readers)here are some pictures i took in a few of my dives around Cebu.

A boat load of mer-folks.

5 minutes after drop off. Here's our dive master Hector on our way to the boat wreck in Talima.

Guess who this one is? I wasn't really OK as I was hinting. My bottom was freezing despite a good amount of blubber in my derrier.

On a dive with strong current, the easiest subject to photograph is an urchin.

I'm not supposed to hold this gentle animals but I did. Don't worry, I didn't kill the poor nudi.

This is Dr. Moreau, Dr. Moreau Ami. LOL!

Can you see it? I need more underwater photography skills.

Here's a clinger. A fish riding on a feather star.

Here are a couple of Nemo's cousins. I believe they are called Tomato Clown fish but I could be wrong. Note to self: Take a fish ID course..

Tim between dives. He was figuring out how to save the sea and his hairline. LOL!

A blue star. Can't really tell much about this picture. Star fishes are the most exciting animals.

A stone fish. Believe me, it's uglier in person...or is it in fish?

One giant clam in Coralpoint reef.

I think this one is a variety of sea cucumber. I'm not sure if you would want it in your salad.

Silver Bat fish. Very friendly.

This one kept following me in Naulusuan.

Clown fish. It ain't very funny, but it sure it prettier than a clown.

Are you laughing yet?

Here's another dive master feeling smug. I forget his name.

Can you tell it's a sting ray?

How about this? Can you see this grouper? This one is very shy.

A shrimp in a hole. I guess if you're a shrimp you'll be shy too.

A couple of post coital nudi's.

Pretty and dangerous. You wouldn't want to touch this scorpion fish.

And these are all the worthy wet pixels that I can find in my hard drive. I will be going to Moalboal & Argao this weekend. I will definitely post scuba-divalicious entry about that trip. In the mean time I am hoping I didn't drown you with all of these marine fabulousness.

So the next time you see me underwater, just give me a holler. Just make sure you're not far from the surface.